Got A Peen? Well, You Won't Be Interviewing Portia de Rossi Then

Portia Lee James de Rossi DeGeneres (that sounds like I'm ordering a light wine and a frozen pizza) has made the host of Australia's Sunrise show David Koch scream "SEXISM! SEXISM! SEXISM!" after she told producers that she would rather talk to his female co-host about her new book than him. WILL SOMEBODY THINK OF THE RICH WHITE MEN?!!!
In Portia's book, she writes about her battle with anorexia and how she came to terms with the fact that loving labia is in her nature, so maybe this is why she prefers to talk to the ladies. Portia also refused to talk to Fox FM's Hamish Blake and Andy Lee, but it's David Kroch that is throwing up his arms about her NO PEEN policy.
David Kooch tells The Herald Sun (via that in his 8 years of talking to people on TV, he has never once been turned down for an interview because he's a dude. David Kock went on to explain how he feels,"If a male said I don't want to be interviewed by a woman, there would be a massive outcry of discrimination. Obviously she has got issues and I feel quite sorry for her...I admire what she and Ellen have done for community tolerance and inclusiveness. But it is a real contradiction for what she stands for, which really surprises me. Maybe she is uncomfortable with men, but she plays opposite male leads."
Or maybe Portia is so afraid that locking eyes with David via satellite will awaken animalistic desires in her loins. But seriously, coming from someone who was raised by women only, it might be hard for me to talk about important things in my life (examples: peen, dick, wang, dong, schlong, etc....) to a straight dude. Wait. What am I going on about?! I'm lying. I could have a deep conversation about dick with a subway pole. Why do you think they don't let me go down there anymore?

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